How To Start a Finance Blog and Make Money

Do you want to learn how to start a personal finance blog? Starting a personal finance blog changed my life. When I began Making Sense of Cents (the blog that you’re reading right now!), I had no idea that sharing my money tips would lead to financial freedom and the ability to work from anywhere….

Do you want to learn how to start a personal finance blog?

Starting a personal finance blog changed my life. When I began Making Sense of Cents (the blog that you’re reading right now!), I had no idea that sharing my money tips would lead to financial freedom and the ability to work from anywhere.

What started as a hobby turned into a full-time career, allowing me to help others take control of their finances while earning a great income.

Whether you want to help people save money, get out of debt, or learn how to invest, blogging gives you a platform to make a real impact. Plus, it’s an opportunity to earn some extra income on the side or even turn it into a full-time career.

If you’ve ever thought about sharing your own money journey and helping others improve their financial lives, now is a great time to start. In this How To Start a Finance Blog guide, I’ll walk you through how to create a successful personal finance blog, just like I did.

Quick note: I have a free How To Start A Blog FREE Course you can click here to join. Want to see how I built a $5,000,000 blog? In this free course, I show you how to create a blog, from the technical side to earning your first income and attracting readers.

My background with blogging

Over 10 years ago, I started my blog, Making Sense of Cents, on a whim. I had read an article about personal finance and thought it would be fun to share my own experience. At first, blogging was just a hobby.

I had no idea that people could make money from blogs. But after about six months, a blogger friend introduced me to an advertiser. I made my first $100, and I was hooked.

Since then, the blog has grown beyond my wildest dreams and I have earned over $5,000,000 blogging over the years. Blogging changed my life by giving me financial freedom and the ability to work from anywhere.

Now, I want to help you start your own successful blog.

What is a personal finance blog?

A personal finance blog is a website where you share tips and advice about money. It’s a place where you can help others understand how to save, budget, invest, and spend wisely.

Some examples of topics that a personal finance blog may cover include:

  • Budgeting
  • Saving for big purchases
  • Getting out of debt
  • Investing in stocks or real estate
  • Planning for retirement
  • Side hustles
  • Financial independence and early retirement
  • Student loans
  • Buying a home
  • Money and mental health

And so much more.

You can choose one or more of these topics to focus on.

Recommended reading: What Is A Blog, How Do Blogs Make Money, & More

Why should you start a personal finance blog?

I think that starting a personal finance blog has many benefits.

You can share your money tips and help others improve their financial situation by sharing advice on saving, budgeting, and investing. I have received countless emails over the years from readers thanking me for helping them change their lives, and these emails are always amazing to read.

Writing a blog also encourages you to learn more about personal finance through research, which can improve your own money skills. I have learned a lot about personal finance because I am constantly reading about it and because I am so active in the personal finance community.

Plus, you can earn extra income through affiliate marketing, ads, and sponsored posts, helping you reach your own financial goals. As I mentioned above, I have earned over $5,000,000 blogging over the years, and I really love running this online business – so it’s been a win all around for me!

For me, I love having a personal finance blog and it’s one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made in my life.

How To Start a Personal Finance Blog

Below is how to start a personal finance blog, step by step!

how to start a finance blog - Choose your blog topic
Here are some of the topics I write about on my personal finance blog.

1. Choose your blog topic

Choosing a finance niche is the first step in starting your personal finance blog. A niche is a specific area of focus that will help your blog stand out.

To help you decide, I recommend thinking about what you’re passionate about. Is it budgeting, saving money, or investing? By picking a topic you love, you’ll enjoy writing and sharing your knowledge.

You should also think about your expertise and experience. What do you know a lot about? If you have experience with paying off debt or improving your credit score, that might be your niche.

Narrowing down your niche helps you become an expert in that area. For example, instead of writing about all things finance, you might focus just on household budgeting tips.

Your niche can also help you make money. Advertisers and sponsors usually look for specific topics to advertise on. If your blog is about investing, you might attract ads from financial services.

Don’t worry if it seems too narrow. There are a lot of people interested in specific topics. Being specific can help you connect better with your readers.

Start a self-hosted WordPress blog
I recommend starting a self-hosted WordPress blog through Bluehost.

2. Start a self-hosted WordPress blog

To start your personal finance blog, I always recommend that you sign up for a self-hosted WordPress site. This means you will own your blog and its content, unlike free blogging platforms.

WordPress is where a blogger writes their blog posts. It’s like the home base for your blog. You can log in, create new blog posts, format them (like adding pictures, headings, or links), and then publish them for your readers to see. WordPress makes it easy to manage everything from your writing to how your blog looks. It’s the platform where you do all the behind-the-scenes work to keep your blog running.

WordPress is a tool that helps you build and manage a blog or website without needing to know how to code. It’s super popular because it’s easy to use and has tons of features to customize your site.

WordPress is what I use for this website (Making Sense of Cents), too!

In short, WordPress is the tool to build your blog, and self-hosting gives you the freedom to control and expand it however you like!

Here are the steps to start a self-hosted WordPress blog:

  1. Get a web hosting service. A popular choice for new bloggers is Bluehost.
  2. Install WordPress. Most web hosts have a one-click installation after you sign up, so it’s quick and easy.

You can see my full tutorial for this at How To Start A WordPress Blog On Bluehost. There are step-by-step directions if you want more detail and/or want to see screenshots of the exact things you should click on.

Plus, if you use my tutorial, you can get the lowest pricing as well as a free domain name.

3. Pick a blog name

Choosing a blog name is a big first step and it can seem hard to decide on.

Here are some tips for brainstorming a personal finance blog name:

  • Your blog name should tell readers what your blog is about right away.
  • Make it unique and easy to remember. A good blog name can help attract more readers. Try to avoid long names, as they might be hard to remember. Short and catchy names work best. Also, I recommend getting a “.com” over any of the others, like “.net”
  • Use tools like a domain name generator to get ideas. Check if the name is available as a domain. It’s important to have the same name for your blog and website address.
  • Don’t be afraid to get creative. Mix and match words until you find something that fits. Keep your blog’s purpose in mind and make sure the name reflects it.
  • Tell friends and family about your ideas for feedback. Sometimes, others can see things you might miss.

P.S. Don’t forget that your domain name (also known as your blog name) is free if you sign up for Bluehost for your blog! You can click here to get your domain name for free.

4. Design your blog layout

The layout of your blog is super important. It helps your readers find what they need and enjoy their visit.

You have three main options when it comes to designing your personal finance blog:

  1. Doing it yourself
  2. Paying a web designer for a custom design
  3. Getting a premade blog layout – this is what I recommend new bloggers do!

Doing it yourself is usually the cheapest, but it can be quite time-consuming. Paying for a custom web design is usually expensive.

I’m a big fan of simply getting a premade design. They are more affordable than a custom design and still look really good. One premade blog design site that I recommend is Restored 316 (my favorite!). If you need to build a website that is custom, professional, and budget-friendly, they have you covered! There is no need to code or stress over graphic design, either. These templates are easy to use. 

Please click here if you’d like to go the easy way and get an affordable premade blog design (this is what I recommend).

5. Create the main pages for your blog

To make your personal finance blog successful, start by setting up key pages.

These pages are important, as they help your readers navigate your site easily and find the information they need.

Your key pages usually include your:

  • Homepage – This is the first impression your blog readers get of your blog. A clear and organized homepage helps readers quickly understand what your blog is about and gets them to click around your blog further. This should be welcoming and easy to navigate – make it clear what your blog is about and include links to your main blog topics.
  • About page – This is where you can tell your story. Share who you are, why you started the blog, and what your readers can expect. When I find a new blog, I like heading to their About page to learn more about them and their story – so don’t skip this page!
  • Contact page – This page makes it easy for readers to reach you. You can add a contact form or your email address (I usually prefer just listing your email address). This allows readers, potential partners, and advertisers to get in touch with you.
  • Privacy Policy page – This is where you explain how you collect and use data on your site. This is important for building trust and complying with legal requirements. Now, don’t worry if you don’t know what to write, there are many templates online that you can use. For legal templates, you can search for these online or buy a premade privacy policy here.
  • Disclosure page – If you earn money through affiliate links or sponsored posts, let your readers know. This keeps your blog transparent and trustworthy.

There are other pages that you may want to add as well, it just depends on what you want and how detailed you want to get. The above is a great starting point.

Other pages that you can add down the line (you don’t want to overwhelm yourself too much, especially in the beginning) may include a Work With Me page (if you offer any freelance services), FAQ page (to answer common questions readers may have), Resources page (to showcase the products that you use), and a Press page (to show your readers where you have been mentioned in the press).

6. Start social media accounts for your blog

Creating social media accounts can help your blog grow because it can make it easier for more people to find your blog.

The social media accounts that you can start include:

  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • TikTok

Now, you definitely do not need to be active on all of these social media accounts, but I do usually like to claim my blog name on each so that no one else can take it.

Once you have your social media accounts set up, I also recommend that you add the links to your blog’s homepage so that your readers can easily find you on social media.

7. Create a content plan

Your content plan is what you’ll write about on your blog.

First, think about who your audience is. Do they want to save money, get out of debt, or invest wisely? Knowing this helps you create content that speaks to their needs.

Next, brainstorm topics that fit your blog. You can start with basic personal finance tips, budgeting hacks, or ways to save more money each month.

Once you have a list, set up an editorial calendar where you think about how often you’ll publish new posts. It could be once a week, twice a week, or even daily. Consistency is important and I highly recommend writing at least one blog post each week.

Plan ahead by writing down specific ideas for each post. This helps you stay organized and makes sure that you always have something to write about.

Now, your blog content plan doesn’t have to be crazy; it can literally just be a list of blog posts – it all depends on how organized you want to be. For example, you can just make a list of blog posts that you want to write such as:

  • 10 Simple Ways To Save Money Every Month
  • How To Create a Budget That Actually Works
  • Beginner’s Guide To Paying Off Debt Faster
  • How To Build an Emergency Fund on a Tight Budget
  • Smart Ways To Save for a Vacation Without Stress
  • Investing 101: How To Start With Just $100
  • 5 Budgeting Mistakes To Avoid if You Want To Save More
  • How To Meal Plan and Save Money on Groceries
  • Tips for Teaching Kids About Money
  • How To Stop Impulse Buying and Save More
  • Side Hustles That Can Help You Pay Off Debt
  • How To Improve Your Credit Score in 6 Months
  • Saving vs. Investing: What’s Best for Your Goals?
  • Frugal Living Tips That Don’t Feel Like Sacrifice
  • How To Use Cash Envelopes To Control Spending

These ideas could easily fill up your editorial calendar and help you stay organized and consistent with your posts!

8. Start writing blog posts

Once your blog is set up, it’s time to write your first blog post!

Below are some tips for writing your first personal finance blog post:

  • Write in a way that is easy to understand. Use short sentences and simple words. Remember, you want to help and not confuse your readers.
  • Add personal stories or experiences. This makes your blog more relatable and interesting. People love reading about real-life situations.
  • Break up your text with headings, bullet points, or images to make your posts easier to read. Don’t forget to proofread your work before you publish it.
  • Ask your readers questions at the end of your posts. This can encourage them to leave comments and interact with your blog.

9. Find ways to make money with your money blog

There are several ways you can earn money with your personal finance blog.

One way is through affiliate marketing. You can partner with companies that have affiliate programs like Amazon. When someone buys an item through your link, you earn a commission. I have a free ebook to learn more – Affiliate Marketing Tips For Bloggers.

Ad revenue (display ads) is another option. You can place ads on your blog using services like Google AdSense, Mediavine, or Raptive Ads. When visitors see or click these ads, you make money.

You might also explore sponsored posts; this is where you partner with a company and they pay you for a review, a mention, or a blog post that talks about their product.

Selling products/services that you create is a good strategy too to make money with a finance blog. You can sell printables, write ebooks, provide consulting services, or teach online courses.

As you can see, there are many ways to make money with a personal finance blog. For me, I like to do a little bit of everything so that I am diversified with my income streams from my blog.

10. Grow your personal finance blog

To get readers to your finance blog, you need to promote it.

Some ways to grow your personal finance blog include:

  • Start by sharing your blog posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest (I recommend that you create a new Pinterest pin for all of your blog posts), and Instagram.
  • Guest post on other finance blogs. This can introduce you to new readers who might be interested in your content. For example, you could guest post and write about how you paid off your debt.
  • Email marketing is another effective way. I highly recommend that you find ways to get readers to subscribe to your email newsletter so that you can send updates and share new blog posts regularly. If you are looking for a way to send newsletters or emails to your readers, I recommend Convertkit.
  • Engage with your readers by responding to their comments and emails. Building this relationship can encourage them to share your blog with others. I ALWAYS respond to comments, emails, and messages because I think it’s the nice thing to do when your readers are taking time out of their day to write something to you.
  • Use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and keyword research. This helps your blog show up in search results when people look for topics you’ve written about.

Promoting your blog takes time and effort. It takes time to grow a new personal finance blog, so try not to be too sad in the beginning if it takes time – that is completely normal.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re thinking about starting a personal finance blog, you might have some common questions. Here’s what you need to know to get going.

How much money do personal finance bloggers make?

The amount of money that a personal finance blogger can make varies widely. I have made over $5,000,000 blogging over the years, and I know many others who make a full-time income from their personal finance blog as well. Successful bloggers can make thousands of dollars each month through ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and digital products.

Is it too late to start a personal finance blog?

No, it’s not too late to start a personal finance blog. There’s always room for fresh voices and new perspectives in personal finance.

Do I have to have a degree in finance to start a personal finance blog?

You don’t need a finance degree to start a personal finance blog. Many bloggers share personal experiences, research, and advice.

How can I make my personal finance blog stand out from others?

To make your personal finance blog stand out from others, I recommend that you focus on your unique experience with the topic that you are writing about. For example, you could share personal stories and actionable advice for what you did to pay off your student loans or to start investing.

Is a personal finance blog profitable?

Yes, a personal finance blog can be profitable. I have made over $5,000,000 from my personal finance blog over the years, all by working from home on the internet.

How To Start a Finance Blog – Summary

I hope you enjoyed my article on how to start a finance blog.

I’ve been running this finance blog that you’re reading for quite some time now, and it’s one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made.

Starting a personal finance blog changed my life, and it could do the same for you. Sharing my money-saving tips not only helped others but also led me to financial freedom and a career I love.

There are so many different finance niches that you could write about, whether it be budgeting tips for beginners or financial advice for those who want to retire early. Plus, you don’t need to be an expert to start a personal finance blog – many people want to hear about real people’s real experiences and insights, including their journey with personal finance (so that they can learn real tips!).

Whether you’re looking to earn a little extra or turn blogging into a full-time job, this guide will help you start a successful personal finance blog that makes a real impact.

Reminder: I have a free How To Start A Blog FREE Course you can click here to join. Over 80,000 people have already taken the course. In this free course, I show you how to create a blog from the technical side to earning your first income and attracting readers.

Do you want to learn how to start a personal finance blog?

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