X Adds New ‘Monetization’ Tab to Help Creators Keep Track of Pending Payouts

X has added a new “Monetization” tab for X Premium subscribers, in order to make it easier for those looking to make money in the app to keep track of their performance on X’s evolving income elements.

X monetization

As you can see in this example, shared by X News Daily, X Premium members are now able to access a new “Monetization” element within their in-app menu display. Tapping on that will take you through to a listing of X’s various monetization pathways, where you’ll also be able to get an estimate of your pending payout within the current period.

X monetization

As you can see in this example, the listing will also provide access to further information on X’s monetization programs, which it’s looking to build on over time.

It could be a handy way to keep tabs on your X payouts, and potentially address any issues ahead of the payout date.

Which could be particularly helpful given that many creators have found themselves falling foul of X’s monetization rules of late, leaving an increasing number of smaller creators, in particular, unable to cash in on X’s programs.

Part of the challenge that some X creators are facing is that they lose monetization for their content if it gets Community Noted, and seemingly, some are using Community Notes as a tool to block others from getting payouts in the app. Which is theoretically not easy to do, as Community Notes require consensus from people of opposing political perspectives to be displayed in the app. But as X continues to refine the Notes process, some have reportedly been able to weaponize the system for varying purpose.

And then, there are other cases, where creators are losing their monetization access for, apparently, no reason.

X’s creator revenue share programs are still in their early stages, and as such, there are going to be some issues in the process, but various creators have been able to earn big payouts from the app, effectively enabling people to make money for their X posts.

Which is something that was never available in the past, so while it’s not perfect, X is facilitating more opportunity, which could lure more creators to the app.

And as X continues to refine its focus on video content in particular, it’ll also be looking to sweeten the deal for big name video creators. On that front, X also recently expanded its “Amplify” premium content placement option to provide big name creators with another way to monetize their uploads in the app.    

In combination, X is facilitating more opportunity, and this new tracking option will help creators to both monitor and maximize their X payouts.  

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