Instagram Tests AI Profile Image and Sticker Generation Tools

Meta: Hey, all this generative AI stuff is pretty cool, don’t you think?
Me: Sure, there’s some interesting ways to use it
Meta: Hey, wouldn’t you love to create a picture of yourself doing something crazy, like riding in a UFO?
Me: No, not reall…
Meta: Or competing in the OIympics, or fighting a dragon, or skateboarding on a ramp?
Me: I don’t…
Meta: Here’s how you can do it…

Me: Okay, I don’t really…
Meta: Also, you can do it on Facebook too, just ask Meta AI to generate a picture of whatever you like, and it’ll do it

Me: Why?
Meta: Hmm?
Me: Why would I want to generate an image of myself doing something that’s not real in any way, that’s not me, because it’s not real, and not something that I’ve ever actually done?
Meta: Because generative AI is cool, everyone’s doing it, and look at how cool these pictures look
Me: They look ridiculous
Meta: No, this is amazing, now you can create anything that you can imagine
Me: Yeah, but, I didn’t actually do these things, you’re asking me to share fake depictions, for no reason other than I can
Meta: That’s right, you can, and you can also do it on Instagram, see:

Me: Yeah, I get that, but I don’t see what this adds to the social media experience, which is supposed to be a means to connect with other people over shared interests, friendships, and, you know, actual experiences
Meta: But generative AI is amazing, and ours in particular…
Me: No, I get that you’re excited about what your AI tools can do, I just don’t know what it adds to my personal social media experience
Meta: You can do anything
Me: But I’m not actually doing it
Meta: No, but you can imagine what it would be like if you did, right?
Me: …
Meta: Right?
Me: Yeah, no thanks
Meta: Wait, wait…
Me: What?
Meta: You wanna’ chat with Snoop Dogg?
Me: Is it really Snoop Dogg?
Meta: No, it’s an AI version of him, which is even better, because…
Me: I’m done