Panasonic just returned to the US market with new OLED and Mini-LED TVs

Panasonic TVs have been missing from the US market for over a decade, which is odd because, well, the company makes good stuff. In any event, our national nightmare is over. The Japanese electronics giant for US customers.
The releases break down into two lines of OLED displays and another line of Mini-LED TVs. The televisions range in size from 55 to 85 inches and they’ve all been designed and developed in Japan. As expected, all of the TVs boast a 4K resolution, to showcase Panasonic’s “outstanding picture quality.”
Panasonic has also teamed up with Amazon for these displays. Each model comes with Fire TV built in. This partnership likely gave Panasonic an easy way to add an America-friendly UI into the mix, being as how the company’s been missing from these shores for ten years.
Why come back now? The company says it was “driven to re-enter the US by a strong belief in the unmet demand for their televisions, particularly among consumers seeking the highest possible picture quality.” That’s just corporate mumbo jumbo, but the real reason is likely one word that rhymes with “shmoney.” The US is a huge market.
Though Panasonic’s TVs have been absent for ten years, the company has maintained an active presence in America. It sells a bunch of and is .
The company’s new TVs , though it looks like shipments won’t go out until September 16. Prices range from $1,300 to $3,200, depending on the model and size.
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