Resident Evil mobile ports now require an online check-in before you can play

has updated the mobile ports of several Resident Evil games to now require an internet connection when the apps are opened. As noted by , patch notes for the latest Resident Evil 7, and  updates read, “Due to changes to the startup process, an internet connection is now required when starting this app.”

It’s unclear why Capcom added this requirement, but it stinks. It prevents anyone taking a flight without Wi-Fi or those hoping to sneak in a little game time while camping in the middle of nowhere from playing any of these games on their phone or tablet. It mitigates the notion that mobile games can be played anywhere, but you can avoid the issue if you already have the games you want to play on your device and automatic updates are off.

Several commenters on that flagged the change said they’d be asking for a refund. However, Capcom may not have to be too worried about having to pay back a ton of players. There are reports that the mobile versions of the three games haven’t been very successful. For instance, that just 2,000 people had paid for the iOS port of in its first two weeks.

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